Friday, May 31, 2013

The last panorama of the month

I promise! And also a small but maybe meaningful discovery. On the road, I find myself caring quite a bit about the large things and the very small things. I don't seem to care at all for the medium things. I wonder if there are (musical) implications of this discovery. Do I compose only the small and big things and neglect the middle? Do I need to neglect the middle more and focus my music on the elements that interest me most? I dunno.

1 comment:

  1. your comments about noticing big and small more than the mid range reminds me of an instructional musical piece by i cannot remember who right now - but the instructions were to play either ff or pp, and absolutely nothing in between. it was really difficult! there is a tendency to want to play everything in the middle so we had to practice in order to pull it off. interesting that when you are pedaling perhaps you create that mid range with your body and so your senses don't notice it externally.
